Photovoltaics is an increasingly widespread (and precious) resource for our country: Italy, in fact, represents a virtuous case in Europe, being able of meeting 18% of its energy needs with clean energy and exceeding the environmental objectives imposed on by the EU.
In 2019, photovoltaic systems with a total power of 750 MW were installed in our country, of which a significant portion is attributed to small ones (272 MW, 36% of the total) that are used in the residential sector.
What are the reasons for this growth?
Surely, the technological evolution has made photovoltaic systems increasingly accessible and efficient, making them an increasingly interesting product for the environmentally conscious consumer.
Anyway, the self-production of energy from renewable sources is a responsible choice, not only from an ecological point of view, but also convenient.
The installation of a home photovoltaic system offers important advantages for the user:
• Economic savings: the self-production of electricity allows to decrease the demand for energy from the network and therefore the costs in the bill;
• Independence from market changes: the costs of energy distributed by traditional operators are subject to fluctuations created by the market and the international geopolitical scenario; by producing your own electricity you protect yourself from these variations and you can better control your fixed costs;
• Return of installation costs: as a consequence of the two previous points, the costs incurred for the installation of a photovoltaic system are gradually offset by savings on energy costs; once you have fully returned from the investment, you can enjoy a pure gain generated by energy self-production;
• Energy exchange: part of the economic gain is generated thanks to the Energy exchange mechanism, in which the user ‘sells’ his energy surplus (the energy that exceeds his consumption) to the network, receiving a refund on the bill;
• Increase in the value of the property: the installation of a photovoltaic system increases the value of the property;
• Incentives: since it contributes to the protection of the environment and the achievement of the state objectives of reducing emissions, there are numerous forms of incentives and deductions that citizens can enjoy to install a photovoltaic system; in this way the costs incurred initially are reduced and the return on investment is accelerated.
A photovoltaic system can be integrated with the domotics software, in order to keep production and consumption under control, optimize system performance and, with the aid of radio-controlled sockets, activate, even remotely, smart appliances to consume directly your energy surplus. believes in the effectiveness of renewable sources, energy autonomy and eco-sustainability, promoting the installation of photovoltaic systems perfectly integrated into the domotics system of your home.
Live in a more efficient and safer home thanks to home automation: contact us now.