Home automation is eco-friendly, protects the environment and reduces your bills

Nowadays, many Italian buildings are several decades old and were built using techniques and paradigms of the time, which are now out of date.
There is certainly a difference in comfort: recently built or renovated homes undoubtedly offer many comforts resulting from today’s technology, which improve the livability of the environment and allow you to maintain full control over all the elements of your home.

However, the most crucial aspect that separates old buildings from more modern ones is their environmental impact.

Recently, the ecological question has become increasingly important, both from a scientific point of view and that of public opinion: governments of many countries, especially European ones, have set ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions for the next few years and growth in energy production from renewable sources.

Home automation offers interesting possibilities to increase living comfort and at the same time increase the sustainability of construction, acting on a sector that is responsible for 40% of European emissions.

The software for monitoring consumption and systems are important for energy efficiency, as they allow you to have a complete picture of your energy demand, identify excesses and waste, and activate or deactivate appliances and domestic systems in an intelligent way.

A home automation is therefore an efficient home, and this translates into lower consumption, lower CO2 emissions and lower bills.

Home automation system also allows you to integrate a residential photovoltaic system and its storage device, so as to monitor the self-production of electricity and optimize its use to meet your energy needs.
The combination of panels and battery allows the energy produced to be stored, but which exceeds the consumption needs at a given time, so that it can be consumed later, for example at night when the photovoltaic system is inactive.

In this way, the production of energy from renewable sources in the country is increased and the demand for electricity from the grid is reduced, lightening the production of power plants, the infrastructure load and its own expenses in the bill.

This economic advantage is amplified by various forms of tax incentives, which encourage citizens to modernize their homes, making it more efficient and liveable, such as “Ecobonus”, “Superbonus” and “Home Automation Bonus”.

Take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and more efficient: contact us now.

What is the difference between home automation and the Internet of Things?

Home automation and Internet of Things are two terms that often meet together because they are both technologies designed to facilitate the user’s life, automating specific processes, allowing remote control, simplifying plant management, and generally optimizing the management of the environment.

Even if goals are identical, means and methods by which they are achieved are very different from each other and therefore associating home automation with the Internet of Things would be incorrect.

Home automation is conceived as a closed system of interconnected systems, structured in a hierarchical way and well organized: this vertical approach allows to centralize the management of the entire domestic environment, both internal and external, in a single control and coordinate the different functions in scenarios, pre-programmed sequences of actions that can be activated with a single command.

The Internet of Things (IoT), on the other hand, is a macro-term that encompasses all the technologies capable of collecting data via the internet or from the surrounding environment and processing it to optimize its functioning, to carry out its task more effectively and to simplify life for every user.

Internet of Things uses open but independent devices in your home: they interact with the outside world, but not directly with each other, and therefore are generally more specialized and dedicated.
Consequently, home automation and the Internet of Things respond to two different needs.

Home automation requires the support of professionals to understand the needs to be met, choose the systems, install them and connect them together. It is therefore an extended intervention, ideally to be carried out during the renovation phase or to be integrated directly into the construction of a new building. The advantage is that in this way you embrace the whole house, coordinating every aspect of your home life for maximum comfort and safety.

Internet of Things devices can be installed only where necessary to meet specific needs without having to carry out invasive interventions, using the domestic wi-fi connection: on the other hand, in this world they depend on the quality of their network and their ability to act is more limited.

Home automation and IoT also differ in the degree of data protection: a home automation system is closed, i.e. all the connected systems communicate only with each other and store the data in a more protected and difficult to violate environment, while the Internet of Things devices, by their nature, must communicate with the network and the external environment, making them more vulnerable.

However, home automation and IoT should not be considered as two incompatible elements because the former can interface with the latter: for example, E.co.system was the first company in the sector to integrate Alexa, Google Home and all Samsung Smart TVs with Home Automation Easydom.

With almost 60 years of experience in home automation, E.co.system is an expert voice in this field: take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and efficient, contact us now.