Home automation: new buildings’ dominant trend

The installation of smart systems and their integration in a home automation system, enhance the living comfort, domestic security and energetic efficiency.

This kind of installations can be made on existing buildings, allowing to bridge the technological gap that has formed between the original design (which in Italy can also date back to the 70s / 80s!) And today’s innovations.

This type of interventions are generally included in a broader restructuring plan, as they require substantial changes to the existing systems: the initial invasiveness pays off in the years to come with all the advantages that can be enjoyed thanks to home automation.

However, it is not only a question of remedying the shortcomings of the past, but also of building a more comfortable, sustainable, efficient and secure future.

Given the advantages and increasing technological accessibility, current building trends increasingly integrate home automation in the construction of new buildings, thus offering the customer a modern home right from the start.

This approach is certainly convenient and efficient, because it allows you to design the systems according to its home automation integration and consequently optimize the planimetry of the house.

In a competitive market homes with home automation systems offer an interesting plus value to distinguish their offer and attract customers.

Furthermore, home automation systems are a long-term investment, since updating the software allows you to keep all systems at top performance and make them evolve over the years, always satisfying the needs of residents.

It is also important to observe the evolution of the values ​​associated with the home: the growing attention to the environment has made citizens much more attentive to energy consumption, leading them to prefer solutions with low or zero emissions.

Also from this point of view, home automation offers an important advantage for new buildings, since the monitoring of systems and consumption, as well as the integration of ecological systems such as solar systems, make the home more energy efficient with positive effects on the environment and on the wallet.

The living comfort that comes from home automation is not only tempting to improve one’s quality of life, but also offers an important support to elderly or disabled people, automating numerous aspects of their daily life and reducing efforts and risks.

With nearly 60 years of experience in home automation, E.co.system today is an expert voice in home automation that offers a complete service, from consulting and design to installation.

We turn to the construction sector to encourage new smart constructions, which integrate right from the ground up the systems suitable to meet every need for living comfort, eco-sustainability and energy efficiency: contact us now for more information.

Intrusion Detection System’s different types of sensors

Intrusion Detection Systems use sensors that detect an unauthorized entry into the protected area, sending a signal to the control unit which implements various countermeasures to respond to the violation of the property, such as sound alarms, messages to the police or to the surveillance, and calls to preset phone numbers.

Even if it is the control unit that carries out the actual intrusion detection action, without the sensors it would not be able to identify the threat: it is its eyes and ears, and without it it would be blind and deaf.

How do the sensors work? They are devices capable of detecting physical alterations within their range of action.

The nature of these ‘physical alterations’ depends on the type of sensor installed, as there are different varieties that use different technologies and mechanisms.

The main detection systems use infrared or microwave.

Infrared is a beam of light invisible to the human eye that is used with two different application methods:

  • active detectors use a transmitter and a receiver, and are triggered when something or someone gets in the way, crossing the invisible infrared barrier;
  • passive detectors consist of a single element that allows you to detect the temperature change within the monitored area.

Microwaves are high-frequency electromagnetic waves that can be generated by a transmitter that sends them to a receiver, using the same principle as active infrared systems.

Mixed sensors are also available on the market. They integrate both technologies to increase the degree of safety and avoid false alarms, by crossing both infrared and microwave detections.

E.co.system offers Hesa ​​intrusion detection solutions for both indoor and outdoor use with perimeter protection, new laser and microwave technologies, which allow coverage of up to 60 meters with a single device.

The anti-intrusion system can be integrated with home automation to control it remotely, set the tolerance margins to avoid false alarms and automatically activate-deactivate it within specific sequences of programmed actions.

Take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and more efficient, contact us now.

Home automation for elderly and disabled people

The role of home automation is to automate and centralize the functions of domestic systems to make your home easier, safer and more comfortable.

These principles improve the quality of life of residents and especially in the cases of the most fragile people: home automation is in fact an excellent solution for elderly, disabled and sick peole, allowing them to have complete control over the entire home in the palm of the hand, minimizing the need for movement.

A home automation system can in fact interface with mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and PCs, where the control panel is displayed. Through this centralized approach, elderly, disabled or sick people can monitor all the systems connected to home automation and control them with a touch.

It is possible to raise or lower the shutters equipped with motorized control without having to get out of bed, turn the light on or off in another room, adjust the temperature, activate smart appliances, control the surveillance system and receive the video intercom feed.

The home automation system can also be programmed with different automations, which protect the most fragile people: for example, you can set the heating or air conditioning system to switch on when the temperature drops or rises above a certain threshold, or switch off smart appliances and lights left on for too long.

Home automation systems can also be set in sequences, called scenarios, which allow you to perform all the programmed actions with a single touch. This feature offers elderly, disabled and sick people the possibility of setting scenarios in relation to their routines and their needs, making their daily life more comfortable.

The design of a home automation home for the elderly, disabled and sick people must be carefully studied, evaluating which are the most useful systems and how to make them communicate with each other.

With nearly 60 years of experience in home automation, E.co.system is an expert voice in home automation that offers a complete service, from consulting and design to installation.

Take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and more efficient, contact us now.

IoT devices and their integration with home automation

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are increasingly widespread: until a few years ago the idea of ​​a digital assistant capable of understanding the voice commands of its owner and acting accordingly seemed like science fiction, today this technology not only exists, but it is also accessible.

Alexa and Google Home are certainly the best-known names among voice assistants and are capable of greatly simplifying daily tasks, receiving information from the network and performing online operations without the need to have your hands busy by a physical device.

In general, IoT technology is based on the ability of these devices to collect information from the surrounding environment (for example, voice commands) and to communicate with the internet to perform their tasks.

The category also includes Smart TVs, which connect to the web to offer on-demand services and take advantage of digital streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.

We have already seen the differences between IoT devices and home automation systems, but these two tools can be integrated to further increase home comfort and make every daily action easier and automated.

Easydom home automation system is in fact capable of interfacing with numerous IoT devices on the market and E.co.system was the first company in the sector to integrate it with Alexa, Google Home and all Samsung Smart TVs.

In this way, the owner of the home automation system has at his disposal additional channels to control the functions of the home without moving from the sofa, further increasing the comfort and efficiency of the system.

Other IoT devices that can be integrated with the home automation system are SONOS devices, such as amplifiers, loudspeakers, wired broadcasting and Home Theater.

These possibilities of integration and expansion of the home automation system are among the aspects that distinguish the offer of E.co.system, which every day strives to add functionality in addition with the development of new technologies and the marketing of new devices and installations.

This ability allows us to constantly project ourselves towards tomorrow: even if we do not know what the market will offer us in the future, we are sure that we will be able to integrate it with an Easydom home automation system.

With almost 60 years of experience in home automation, E.co.system is an expert voice in home automation: take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and more efficient, contact us now.

Home automation is eco-friendly, protects the environment and reduces your bills

Nowadays, many Italian buildings are several decades old and were built using techniques and paradigms of the time, which are now out of date.
There is certainly a difference in comfort: recently built or renovated homes undoubtedly offer many comforts resulting from today’s technology, which improve the livability of the environment and allow you to maintain full control over all the elements of your home.

However, the most crucial aspect that separates old buildings from more modern ones is their environmental impact.

Recently, the ecological question has become increasingly important, both from a scientific point of view and that of public opinion: governments of many countries, especially European ones, have set ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions for the next few years and growth in energy production from renewable sources.

Home automation offers interesting possibilities to increase living comfort and at the same time increase the sustainability of construction, acting on a sector that is responsible for 40% of European emissions.

The software for monitoring consumption and systems are important for energy efficiency, as they allow you to have a complete picture of your energy demand, identify excesses and waste, and activate or deactivate appliances and domestic systems in an intelligent way.

A home automation is therefore an efficient home, and this translates into lower consumption, lower CO2 emissions and lower bills.

Home automation system also allows you to integrate a residential photovoltaic system and its storage device, so as to monitor the self-production of electricity and optimize its use to meet your energy needs.
The combination of panels and battery allows the energy produced to be stored, but which exceeds the consumption needs at a given time, so that it can be consumed later, for example at night when the photovoltaic system is inactive.

In this way, the production of energy from renewable sources in the country is increased and the demand for electricity from the grid is reduced, lightening the production of power plants, the infrastructure load and its own expenses in the bill.

This economic advantage is amplified by various forms of tax incentives, which encourage citizens to modernize their homes, making it more efficient and liveable, such as “Ecobonus”, “Superbonus” and “Home Automation Bonus”.

Take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and more efficient: contact us now.

What is the difference between home automation and the Internet of Things?

Home automation and Internet of Things are two terms that often meet together because they are both technologies designed to facilitate the user’s life, automating specific processes, allowing remote control, simplifying plant management, and generally optimizing the management of the environment.

Even if goals are identical, means and methods by which they are achieved are very different from each other and therefore associating home automation with the Internet of Things would be incorrect.

Home automation is conceived as a closed system of interconnected systems, structured in a hierarchical way and well organized: this vertical approach allows to centralize the management of the entire domestic environment, both internal and external, in a single control and coordinate the different functions in scenarios, pre-programmed sequences of actions that can be activated with a single command.

The Internet of Things (IoT), on the other hand, is a macro-term that encompasses all the technologies capable of collecting data via the internet or from the surrounding environment and processing it to optimize its functioning, to carry out its task more effectively and to simplify life for every user.

Internet of Things uses open but independent devices in your home: they interact with the outside world, but not directly with each other, and therefore are generally more specialized and dedicated.
Consequently, home automation and the Internet of Things respond to two different needs.

Home automation requires the support of professionals to understand the needs to be met, choose the systems, install them and connect them together. It is therefore an extended intervention, ideally to be carried out during the renovation phase or to be integrated directly into the construction of a new building. The advantage is that in this way you embrace the whole house, coordinating every aspect of your home life for maximum comfort and safety.

Internet of Things devices can be installed only where necessary to meet specific needs without having to carry out invasive interventions, using the domestic wi-fi connection: on the other hand, in this world they depend on the quality of their network and their ability to act is more limited.

Home automation and IoT also differ in the degree of data protection: a home automation system is closed, i.e. all the connected systems communicate only with each other and store the data in a more protected and difficult to violate environment, while the Internet of Things devices, by their nature, must communicate with the network and the external environment, making them more vulnerable.

However, home automation and IoT should not be considered as two incompatible elements because the former can interface with the latter: for example, E.co.system was the first company in the sector to integrate Alexa, Google Home and all Samsung Smart TVs with Home Automation Easydom.

With almost 60 years of experience in home automation, E.co.system is an expert voice in this field: take advantage of the Home Automation Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home easier, more comfortable and efficient, contact us now.

The differences between civil and industrial electrical systems

Electrical system allows the diffusion of electricity within a building connected to the network electricity or self-producing its own energy thanks to photovoltaic systems and other powered systems from renewable sources.

Electrical systems are used in our homes, in commercial buildings and in large systems industrial: between these three realities there is a difference in power required and consequently of complexity of the system, so that it can be managed safely.

Given its crucial role in allowing the activities inside the destination building, the installation of the electrical system is studied with the construction, in order to optimize the positioning of cables, exits and hooks; this does not mean that it is not possible to intervene subsequently for extensions and updates, while requiring constructions for the implementation of these changes.

If domestic and commercial applications must manage the power for lighting and for the power supply of appliances and other systems with low consumption (such as air conditioning, video surveillance or automatic gates), an industrial electrical system must support the power necessary to operate even large machinery.

Given the amount of energy managed, safety is a crucial aspect: solutions are needed to prevent overloads and short circuits, and to allow the operation of the most important electrical systems also in case of failure or blackout.

However, this does not mean that safety is not a priority even for plant installations, civil and commercial electrical systems, but the industrial sector refers to dedicated regulations that they impose stricter standards, also considering the involvement of a greater number of people within an industrial complex.

In particular, they must comply with the provisions of Legislative Decree 81 of 2008 regarding safety in the workplace, while other regulations also apply to civil and commercial plants: the Law 186/1968 on the materials to be used, the DL 37/2008 for the safety of the systems and the Law 791/1977 on the responsibility of the system manufacturer.

Another crucial aspect is the maintenance of civil and industrial electrical systems, which must be carried out periodically, or every two or five years depending on the type of plant as established by Presidential Decree 462 of 2002.

Beyond the legal obligations, maintenance of the electrical system is also very important for its optimization, thus evaluating consumption and any optimizations to enhance the energy efficiency of the building.

The complexity of the design and installation requires the intervention of specialized and expert technical figures and this also applies to maintenance: this is the only way to guarantee that the civil electrical system and the industrial electrical system comply with law, are safe and efficient.

It is also good to remember that the electrical system can be integrated with the photovoltaic one, so that self-produced energy is used instead of that of the network, and with the home automation system, to monitor consumption in real time and also intervene remotely on the use of the current for lighting and household appliances.

Rely on the almost 60 years of experience in electrical systems and systems developed by e.co.system, contact us to find out more.

*Mandatory fields

How is the Home Theater system realised?

All fans of cinema dream of experiencing the same emotions of watching a movie in theaters even when they are at home: they want to admire their favorite actors on a big screen, grasp every detail of the special effects clearly and hear the sounds coming from every direction while enjoying the comfort of your own home.

Today’s technology has made the installation of this type of systems, called Home Theater, easier and more accessible, to bring all the sensations of the big screen between home walls.

The installation of a Home Theater system can be carried out on an already built home or

Can be integrated into the design of a new building, preparing cables and conduits so as to

avoid subsequent constructions, keeping all cables hidden from view and optimize the architecture in function of the sound system.

There are many aspects that must be considered in order to install a Home Theater system, navigating between multiple audio and video options, as well as evaluating any interventions on the room that will host it: for this reason it is always good to consult an expert who can recommend the most suitable solutions for your needs and implement them to measure.

To create a Home Theater system, we start from the video channel.

The ultra-flat HD televisions, which until a few years ago were a luxury product, have become increasingly accessible, allowing with a limited investment to acquire a large and well-defined screen, ideal for home cinema.

For those looking for the real feeling of having a cinema at home, they can opt for an HD projector that can even reach 300 inches while maintaining a 4K resolution.

The audio channel is the other crucial aspect to create a Home Theater capable of giving strong emotions, creating surround effects and truly immersing ourselves in the film.

The home theater experience can be enjoyed with multiple final amplifiers, designed to surround viewers and reproduce ‘localized’ sound based on the location of its source within the film.

These surround sound speakers can be placed on pedestals around the sofa or armchairs (and in this case, the aesthetics have its weight) or embedded in the wall (based on architectural studies and sound diffusion methods).

Finally, the room can be optimized to adequately support the audio signal, with, for example, bass traps and sound absorbing panels against reverberation (and for the quiet of the neighbors!).

The Home Theater system can also be connected to a larger domotics system, allowing you to control it more comfortably, to send multimedia content from your devices and to synchronize it with entertainment applications.

Take advantage of the Domotics Bonus and revolutionize your way of living by making your home simpler, more comfortable and efficient: contact us now.

*Mandatory fields

What are the advantages of photovoltaic systems?

Photovoltaics is an increasingly widespread (and precious) resource for our country: Italy, in fact, represents a virtuous case in Europe, being able of meeting 18% of its energy needs with clean energy and exceeding the environmental objectives imposed on by the EU.

In 2019, photovoltaic systems with a total power of 750 MW were installed in our country, of which a significant portion is attributed to small ones (272 MW, 36% of the total) that are used in the residential sector.

What are the reasons for this growth?

Surely, the technological evolution has made photovoltaic systems increasingly accessible and efficient, making them an increasingly interesting product for the environmentally conscious consumer.

Anyway, the self-production of energy from renewable sources is a responsible choice, not only from an ecological point of view, but also convenient.

The installation of a home photovoltaic system offers important advantages for the user:

Economic savings: the self-production of electricity allows to decrease the demand for energy from the network and therefore the costs in the bill;

Independence from market changes: the costs of energy distributed by traditional operators are subject to fluctuations created by the market and the international geopolitical scenario; by producing your own electricity you protect yourself from these variations and you can better control your fixed costs;

Return of installation costs: as a consequence of the two previous points, the costs incurred for the installation of a photovoltaic system are gradually offset by savings on energy costs; once you have fully returned from the investment, you can enjoy a pure gain generated by energy self-production;

Energy exchange: part of the economic gain is generated thanks to the Energy exchange mechanism, in which the user ‘sells’ his energy surplus (the energy that exceeds his consumption) to the network, receiving a refund on the bill;

Increase in the value of the property: the installation of a photovoltaic system increases the value of the property;

Incentives: since it contributes to the protection of the environment and the achievement of the state objectives of reducing emissions, there are numerous forms of incentives and deductions that citizens can enjoy to install a photovoltaic system; in this way the costs incurred initially are reduced and the return on investment is accelerated.

A photovoltaic system can be integrated with the domotics software, in order to keep production and consumption under control, optimize system performance and, with the aid of radio-controlled sockets, activate, even remotely, smart appliances to consume directly your energy surplus.

E.co.system believes in the effectiveness of renewable sources, energy autonomy and eco-sustainability, promoting the installation of photovoltaic systems perfectly integrated into the domotics system of your home.

Live in a more efficient and safer home thanks to home automation: contact us now.

*Mandatory fields

Improve energy efficiency with domotics

In Europe, the residential sector is responsible for about 40% of the continent’s annual energy consumption: while on the one hand our current standard of living imposes a certain amount of energy that is difficult to reduce, every year a significant portion of electricity and gas is wasted.

Many buildings fail in energy efficiency, that is, they use more energy than is necessary to obtain the desired result: for example, a construction with a poor level of thermal insulation needs to keep the heaters higher or turned on longer to reach the right temperature, because part of the heat is transferred outside.

Another significant part of the energy waste is due to the carelessness of the residents, such as leaving the light on when leaving the house, falling asleep in front of the TV or keeping the heating or air conditioning active in a room that is currently empty.

The energy efficiency of home is a path that involves various types of interventions and the acquisition of greater awareness of its consumption, but it gives excellent results.

 In fact, consuming less means:

 • reduce CO2 emissions by making a contribution to environmental protection;

 • decrease the costs related to the bill, managing to save up to 25% on energy expenditure.

The installation of modern systems and their coordination with a domotics system has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the home.

In particular, Easydom Next Home Elite offers useful functions to check the status of your home at any time, monitor consumption, and activate or deactivate systems and appliances in an intelligent way. Awareness of actual consumption, as already mentioned, is very important, therefore the Easydom domotics system reports in real time all the information relating to the use of energy and uses it to make an estimate of costs and CO2 emissions.

Thanks to these data, it is possible to easily identify the higher energy loads, evaluate how to intervene to reduce them and consequently optimize domestic consumption.

Easydom Next Home Elite also allows remote lighting control, so that you can immediately notice if you forgot to turn on a light and turn it off immediately, even when you are away from home: the use of scenarios, i.e. series of actions activated chain with a simple touch, already allows to minimize the risk of forgetting, by scheduling the shutdown of all systems when you leave the house.

 Similarly, it is possible to control the temperature and thermostats, and interact with controlled electrical sockets: in this way, smart appliances can be activated, even remotely, to make them work in the most convenient time slots.

Finally, a domotics system can interact with the home photovoltaic system, so as to optimize the use of self-produced energy and further reduce the costs in the bill.

The costs of installing a domotics system are balanced by the savings month by month and year by year;  in addition, by taking advantage of the Domotics Bonus, you can amortize the initial investment immediately and return more quickly to the initial expenditure.

Live in a more efficient and safer home thanks to domotics: contact us now.